The Administrations Department of Outpost 10F is primarily responsible for top-end planning, development, ratification and site management. This responsibility is reflected in its five primary divisions.
Internal Development manages site content, systems and internal data.
Marketing is tasked with bringing the Outpost to the internet at large through external promotion.
Community Resources, on the other hand, is focussed internally on the membership and encompasses the Help Desk, Welcoming Committee, Counseling Directory, and the Conflict Resolution function.
Operations is Administration's core group, and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the community. It is responsible for promotions, award distribution, projects management, site policies, and general member management.
The final group is the Executive Council, Administration's governing team. This group is composed of the Commander-in-Chief, Vice Commander, Quadrant Commander, all Sector Commanders and Deputy Sector Commanders and Administrative Divisional Directors. The EC is responsible for all high level decision making and strategy planning.