Location: Ssh, it's a secret!
Number of suns: 1, Jango Fett and his clonatics.
Population: 6 Billion, but wildly varies depending on who they've fought recently.
Surface water: Exists.
Major Events: Peace, and weekly cage wrestling matches.
Known for: High fashion armour and holding grudges.

Renowned throughout the galaxy for their superb (one could say overenthusiastic) fighting prowess, Mandalore is a planet inhabited by disparate clans who love nothing more than catwalk-style armour shows, booby-trapping anything and everything, and wrestling. Led initially by Mandalore the First, they have a strict code of honour matched only by a desire to stick their noses into any war.

The following is a brief synopsis of Mandalorian history. Mandalore the First, also known as Macho Mandalore Mandy Savage the First, united the clans and did much fighting. It is believed he instigated the first MWF (Mandalore Wrestling Federation).

The Mandalorian wars were started by Mandalore the Ultimate in a pique over the fact that his parents had actually named him Mandalore the Slightly Impressive. His Neo-Crusaders wore armour in several pastel colours: green, red and yellow, though favouring blue as it matched their eyes. After losing the Mandalorian wars this flamboyancy, and the Mandalorian people, began to decline. To a point, you can sum up the next several centuries of Mandalorian society thus: Fight, fight, fight, clones, isn't Boba Fett cool, put Captain Solo in the cargo hold, Sarlacc intestines. Mandalorian wrestling repeats can be seen every weekend on Galactic rim channel 555. This week Mandalore Hogan takes on Mandalore the giant.

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