Commodore Babel

Commodore Brady

Commodore Deanna

Captain Dmitri

Commodore Iain

Commodore JJ

Rear Admiral Jon

Captain Kayana

Commodore Robert Fox

Commodore Tail-Kinker

Captain Zildjian

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Captain Dmitri

How did you come into the position of SC/DSC?
I applied. They were foolish enough to accept. Also... people kept nudging me to apply and naturally I must give the people what they desire - ME! Or something like that...

What was something you were hoping to accomplish in accepting the position, and did you accomplish it?
Admittedly, from the outset I had no set goals on what I wanted to achieve in OTF. Though I had more of a personal mission I think you could call it. When I first came to OTF, like for so many others, this was a sort of online safe-haven for me. At that moment in my life as sad as it may be it is where i felt happiest. That is by no means a healthy attitude to have, but i think it is important that the outpost maintain that friendly and welcoming atmosphere and that is something I always hope to and shall strive to maintain.

What would you most like to see happen in the future of OTF?
The same as what has been happening since it started. I'd love nothing more than to see more young people discover OTF and to actually get enjoyment out of it. That's what the outpost is all about really - fun. And we shouldn't forget that.

Has being "brass" changed your opinions regarding the site from your younger OTF years? For better or for worse?
It certainly isn't so magical I suppose, though that doesn't mean I value it any less.

If you had one super power, what would it be and how would you use it in OTF?
Invisibility. Then I could be um... sneaky, and stuff…

Why do you do what you do? ie, what drives you in your OTF career?
Power, my unrelenting and twisted thirst for power, power and more POWER!! Though, to keep you all happy, let's just put down that I do it because I care. For the little children. And the fluffy bunnies. Can we edit the power bit out of the interview?

What's one thing the general OTF populace doesn't know about you and would never suspect in a million years?
I'm really a 50 year old housewife named Brenda.

Do or did you enjoy your work as SC/DSC? What's the best/worst things about the position?
I enjoy being able to contribute and to be able to have a say in what happens and how things happen. I haven't really come across a bad side to it so far.

If you could ask one thing from chatters, what would you ask?
I'd ask for tolerance and respect. These two things are not only a cornerstone of OTF but a cornerstone of my own personal ideology, for without mutual tolerance and respect there can be no basis for friendship and for a community.

Which OTF member inspired you to greatness and why?
I am not really inspired by anyone. Yes, there are people I value and respect but I honestly can't say that any single person inspires me above another.

What is your dream rank and avatar?
Well I've never really thought about it, contrary to public opinion I don't lay awake at night dreaming up new rank and avatar combinations :P

If you could smooch CT without incurring the wrath of JJ, would you?
I think not.

If you could have any position on the site regardless of your abilities or skills, which one would it be?
Hmm… I have no set goal or ideal position. I like where I am right now.

Do you know what a goober is?
I haven't a clue. Is someone going to tell me?

What do you like most about OTF?
I like that it empowers people and can inspire them. And at the same time it is a place to simply be amongst friends. It is a place where you can make new friends and build relationships. It is a global community in every sense, and no matter what your race, colour or creed you'll be treated equally. I think that is what I most love.

What do you like most about Polson?
I stopped liking Polson after she saved the 'Darcy Log' for use as blackmail material against me. I shall take my revenge one of these days. :P