Commodore Babel

Commodore Brady

Commodore Deanna

Captain Dmitri

Commodore Iain

Commodore JJ

Rear Admiral Jon

Captain Kayana

Commodore Robert Fox

Commodore Tail-Kinker

Captain Zildjian

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Commodore Iain

How did you come into the position of SC/DSC?
A life-long campaign of treachery and manipulation. Also, sheer awesomeness and unlimited skills, and vast over-qualification.

What was something you were hoping to accomplish in accepting the position, and did you accomplish it?
Creating a Matrix subgenre of Star Trek. Accomplished: 1 April 2006. Hooyah!

What would you most like to see happen in the future of OTF?
More water-cooler drinking.

Has being "brass" changed your opinions regarding the site from your younger OTF years? For better or for worse?
Yes. For different. (You see more OTF politics - and I hate politics. But they were there all along.)

If you had one super power, what would it be and how would you use it in OTF?
Well... OTF super powers are already my forte. ;-) As for regular super-powers, how about ability to use the Force? (Oooooh... a SW reference from a former ST DSC! Controversy!) I would use it in OTF to bellow "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" on regular occasion, with added Force-emphasis.

Why do you do what you do? ie, what drives you in your OTF career?
The question for unlimited power. Achieved. ... hrm. Good question. I'm going to have to go with "showing off".

What's one thing the general OTF populace doesn't know about you and would never suspect in a million years?
I'm ever-so modest.

Do or did you enjoy your work as SC/DSC? What's the best/worst things about the position?
Absolutely, I enjoyed it! And the best part had to be working with Brady and the OZD. He and they rule!

If you could ask one thing from chatters, what would you ask?
Why am I so great?

Which OTF member inspired you to greatness and why?
Main OTF inspiration...? Jon and Shellie. They are wonderful.

What is your dream rank and avatar?
The ones I use, on whichever day. ;-)

If you could smooch CT without incurring the wrath of JJ, would you?
Only if CT was a sym-link to Brandi. Hmmm... sym link?! I've been doing computers for too long.

If you could have any position on the site regardless of your abilities or skills, which one would it be?
InDev Director.

Do YOU know what a goober is?
"Goober: Noun. Example, whoever wrote this question."

What do you like most about OTF?
The people! That's what makes the site.

What do you like most about Polson?
Her sandwich-ness. And Oprah.