Commodore Babel

Commodore Brady

Commodore Deanna

Captain Dmitri

Commodore Iain

Commodore JJ

Rear Admiral Jon

Captain Kayana

Commodore Robert Fox

Commodore Tail-Kinker

Captain Zildjian

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Commodore Robert Fox

Now here's a man who is as influencial as he is terrifying. Not that he himself is frightening, but there isn't a soul who wasn't afraid at some point of his two week old boxer shorts. He was the first person to make Commodore and he was very influencial in the early OTF days. Of course then he married Honey and who wouldn't be captivated by the lovely herself! While Fox eventually stopped being a primary part of OTF, he never ceased to be important to this site. Occationally one can still catch Fox airing out his boxers in the girl's bathroom and rumor has it, he would definetly smooch CT if it wouldn't incur the wrath of JJ.