Commodore Babel

Commodore Brady

Commodore Deanna

Captain Dmitri

Commodore Iain

Commodore JJ

Rear Admiral Jon

Captain Kayana

Commodore Robert Fox

Commodore Tail-Kinker

Captain Zildjian

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Commodore Tail-Kinker

If you've read the book Uhura's Song, you know exactly where her handle came from and why it's so apt! Full of spunk, spark, brilliant beyond comparision and cute as a bug, it's impossible not to appreciate this little strudel of love. Teek had a great deal to do with Alder Hill prior to it's move from OTF to it's own site which speaks for itself, the amount of talent and dedication that has been put into the project by this woman. Not only that but she has been loved around OTF in various positions and on any number of projects. There is confirmation that she and CT have smooched many times on the cheek with no repercusions. Perhaps this Tail-Kinker has some sort of power over JJ that we don't know about.